Welocme to Tecvalco Distribution!
Explore our extensive catalog of distribution products designed to meet the highest standards of performance and durability.
Our offerings include:
Sensit - Gas Leak Detection Instruments: State-of-the-art tools for precise and efficient gas leak detection, ensuring safety and reliability.
MBW Pole Tampers and Pneumatic Soil Excavators: Robust and efficient equipment for soil excavation and compaction, ideal for a variety of construction and utility applications.
Fisher Research Labs - Ferro Magnetic Locators: Advanced locators for detecting ferrous metals, providing accurate and reliable results for various applications.
Oxford Plastics Composite Road Plates and Sidewalk Covers: Durable and lightweight solutions for covering roadworks and pedestrian areas, ensuring safety and convenience.
And More!: Explore our full range of products to find the perfect solutions for your business needs.